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Skills Gaps: Preparing your organisation’s Talent Acquisition strategy for 2018 and beyond

Wed, 14/03/2018 - 16:00

Time: 10am CST | 4pm GMT | 8pm GST

Cost: Free

The BTN brings you the first webinar of 2018 with a focus on your talent acquisition strategy and how to ensure you are planning for the future.

It is widely appreciated that skills shortages exist across Europe spanning multiple roles and sectors and making workforce planning an increasingly difficult task. How organisations approach this differs from business to business, with HR leaders striving to find better solutions to sourcing and engaging the best talent in the most time and cost-efficient manner.

With this in mind, Cielo, recently interviewed 400+ senior HR leaders to understand how they are approaching their talent acquisition strategy. With skills shortages being cited as one of the main concerns Cielo have explored this further and studied key trends.

Join Sally Hunter, SVP, Cielo for this thought-provoking webinar to consider how you could improve your approach to filling your skills gaps and gain practical takeaways to ensure you are preparing for the future.


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