Careers are often built from an accumulation of many small decisions you make as you come up through the educational system, but that can sometimes lead to you fulfilling the purpose someone has told you you’re good at or should do, rather than the one you actually feel energised by. This is where career fulfilment becomes crucial, ensuring that your path aligns with what truly excites and motivates you.
One of the biggest components in all walks of life is our natural desire to contribute something to the world/ people around us and with work being the place we spend most of our lives at, it’s obvious why we need to feel a greater sense of purpose than just work being work in order to experience true career fulfilment.
To investigate this topic in more detail, Alistair Palmar, Mindset & Performance Coach at 49 Consulting LLP, joined James Ballard, Managing Partner & Co-Founder at Annapurna, for a candid chat about how you can make sure the career you lead is also fulfilling the morals and passions of your personal life.
An extremely interesting insight that Alistair focuses on is the need to reconnect with our younger selves in order to find the things that truly resonate with us. He acknowledges that there is a general consensus that getting older means leaving the things that brought you joy as a child behind, but he instead encourages the idea of holding onto those things and finding how you can intertwine them into your adult life still.
Regardless of your industry, this episode will truly inspire you and might be the push you need to move toward something you deeply connect with.
Listen to the full podcast episode on your favourite streaming platform below:
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