In this exclusive video for The BTN, Anton Fishman (Digital and Talent Transformation Expert) discusses the potential affect AI may have on existing jobs, which new jobs it may create and how it could affect day to day work.
Anton starts with a brief overview of why AI is a hot topic in business at the moment. Following this, Anton discusses how AI could impact the job market and whether it will cause an increase in unemployment or will increase people’s day-to-day quality of work
Anton Fishman, Director of Fishman & Partners, has 30 years’ experience working with businesses to help clarify strategic direction, determine what leaders need to do to deliver this, and ensure businesses have the talent and capability to make it happen. He has a particular interest in the enhancing the impact and reputation of HR functions and this has been the focus of his work in the last few years. In September 2016, Anton chaired an international conference on the impact of Social Robotics, AI and Deep learning on the future of work and chairs three more conferences on these themes this year. He now runs regular workshops and in-company briefing sessions on this topic in the UK and internationally.