In part 2 of this series around ‘Future Leadership’ in partnership with PeopleSmart SAS, Terry Jones (Senior Director, Global Talent & Development at Palo Alto Networks) looks at ‘Employee Experience’ where he identifies what resources you need to ensure that you can create a unique experience for each employee.
According to Terry, leadership is absolutely critical. By realising a leader’s commitment to the organisation’s vision and goal setting, employees feel more obligated and enthused to perform better within their roles. For leaders, in particular, it is critical for them to understand their team members and provide them with the choice of where, when and how they would like to work. Suppose organisations are able to equip their employees with the right in doing so, that team will continue to thrive.
However, for this to happen successfully, it requires a massive mindset shift for all individuals. The starting point for every company is to sit down and understand those individuals’ strengths and not become obsessed with working the traditional 9-5 days. Therefore, it is essential that a progressive mindset shift needs to happen within leadership.
The tone that leaders set and the listening and empathy they show are also absolutely critical. Having strong goals, KPIs or objectives and making sure those are crystal key is Important. For the talent development and learning world, it’s important that companies can recognise that individuals have their own personalised learning journeys.
This, therefore, comes back to supporting the uniqueness of the individual, which simply comes down to inclusion, diversity and supporting those two things perfectly.
About PeopleSmart SAS
PeopleSmart provides innovative learning solutions, both virtual and in-person, to organizations in many countries, cultures, and languages, focusing on leadership and people development in the context of digital transformation, change management, culture change, and the increasing need for Emotional Intelligence.
We do this through a dedicated network of 65+ consultants working globally, providing a broad range of Consulting, Coaching, and Learning Services to a wide variety of industries and clients in over 20 languages.
PeopleSmart supports companies through transitions by offering practical, easy-to-implement, and effective interventions. And in our virtual offerings, our consultants use the latest, cutting-edge technologies and tools to provide rich and participatory learning experiences.