Recently we did a straw poll of delegates at the CIPD conference and the results showed that Wellbeing was the number one priority going forward for many organisations.
This is, of course, backed up by the many surveys and news stories highlighting the impact of physical and mental health issues on employee retention, productivity and engagement. In fact, statistics show that people suffering from work-related, mental health issues has risen from a quarter to a third over the past 5 years. Yet only 8% of businesses have a proper wellbeing strategy, instead relying on one-off initiatives that only address short-term problems.
So what can HR do to increase resilience and wellbeing in the workplace?
- Help leaders create a culture where people thrive – create an open environment that cultivates positivity and where people feel recognised and supported. Listen to your people and develop a constructive, coaching strategy when people make mistakes
- It’s a well-accepted fact that the most important relationship any of us have at work is with our line manager. This powerful relationship is at the heart of wellbeing, so invest time and training in the managers at the heart of your organization. Give them the skills and resources to be engaging influencers who people want to work for
- Win the hearts and minds of your team – businesses seem to be constantly changing and nowadays change seems to be more disruptive than ever before, often impacting the wellbeing of the people involved. In changing times it can help to focus on influencing rather than telling your team what to do. By influencing people rather than telling we create emotional ownership, accountability and responsibility.
Dale Carnegie specialises in helping organisations and individuals create engaging workplace environments.
To discover more ways to become an engaging influencer in your organization attend:
Winning Hearts and Minds – Free Seminar
Central London
May 3rd
9am – 11am
For more details call 020 7379 4323