Articles 1 min read

Employees Trust Robots More Than Their Managers by Alie Jules

People quit bad bosses.

I’m not telling you anything new here.

A B I G reason why employees leave is bad managers.

Good employees end up having to take the “hit” when they are forced to quit or when they are fired – and the manager keeps on going – no notes on the record, no record of wrongdoing, nothing.

But wait!

Winds of change are blowing…

A recent AI@Work Global Study 2019 by Oracle and Future Workplace reveals some interesting findings. Over 8000 people were surveyed.

82% think robots can do certain types of work better than their (human) managers

64% would trust a robot more than their manager

50% would ask a robot for advice rather than their manager

The employee-manager relationship is changing.

32% believe that robots will replace their managers

This is now.

The manager position is undergoing disruptive change. What they are currently doing – perhaps barking orders – and what they should be doing is brought into question.

Employees see AI-powered managers better at providing unbiased information, maintaining work-schedules, managing a budget, problem-solving and answering confidential questions without causing fear of scrutiny.

H u m a n managers perhaps are better at and need to focus on human skills, one-on-one interactions, coaching others and promoting and nurturing a supportive work culture. Psychological safety in the workplace is hugely important!

If your current managers are spending their days with tasks that do not involve these skills and if they lack emotional intelligence and related people skills, your organization is not moving fast enough to keep up.

The landscape of the old manager is crumbling. Get your running shoes on.

Alie Jules

P.S. I help leaders and organizations with the human “things” of business.

P.P.S. Robots don’t necessarily mean “robots”, rather AI-powered software and chatbots, at least in the early going…


They say I should write here an impressive summary of my accomplishments, preferably talking about myself in the third person, to showcase my best professional self.

They say a lot of things…
I do the opposite.

I don’t have a 7-minute solution to anything.
But I do have thoughts, insights, and experience, all of which I share with you.

You can’t squeeze me into a box.
It’s been tried, it didn’t work.

What I am not:
I’m an author of no New York Times Bestseller.
I’m unranked as the top Modern Leadership Expert.
I’m (hopefully) somewhere in the 5,869,329 of the top creative and strategic minds in business & marketing. (crossing fingers)
I’m the un-influencer according to non-influencers everywhere.
I’m not the “father of anything” (duh).

I’m a listener to leaders (sometimes I speak, rarely do I whisper…)
I’m a speaker to many – of the topics that should be shared.
I’m a sharer of strategies and tactics to help you succeed.

In other words:
Modern Leadership Advisor
Strategy & Digital Marketing Consultant
Keynote Speaker
Writer (a book you ask? it’s in the works)

Always learning.
Always exploring.
Always testing.
Incrementally improving.


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