Do you know how much employee turnover costs your organisation? And how much you could save by improving your retention?
Only 28% of organisations can answer ‘Yes’ to these two questions!
For everyone else, it’s a daunting dilemma that’s often swept under the carpet. But that’s obviously not going to solve the problem.
If you really want to do something about your turnover issue, the first step is to fully understand it.
So, we have highlighted the 11 essential things you need to know about employee turnover in this handy infographic!
All the facts in the infographic are hand-picked from our white paper ‘Employee Turnover: The hidden cost crippling business’ (which you can download here).
The paper explores virtually every aspect of turnover, including the best metrics to monitor, costs to include when you calculate your turnover costs, and how to go about combating the issue before it gets out of hand.
By Huw Williams
This post is brought you as part of the Business Transformation Network’s partnership with Predictive Hire, with the original article being posted here